64003: Delay before NC System Start (network with ascending node numbers ?)

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During the basis initialization (function for startup of all ACOPOS modules connected to the network) in certain cases the parameter CMD_BOOT_STATE for starting the NC operating system is transferred to several ACOPOS modules connected to one POWERLINK network.
If an ACOPOS module uses the plug-in module AC112 as a POWERLINK network card, then recieving CMD_BOOT_STATE on this ACOPOS module interrupts communication to all POWERLINK stations that are connected in a line topology network via the 2x hub of the AC112 plug-in module of this ACOPOS.
If during the basis initialization it is recognized, that before transfer of CMD_BOOT_STATE the communication is interrupted for a certain time, then it is assumed, that the ACOPOS modules are connected line-formed and not with ascending node numbers.

This warning is indicated.

When using a line topology network, connect the ACOPOS modules with AC112 using ascending node numbers.